The Right Way Phonics Master Program

The Right Way Phonics Master Program

When children can recite the letter sounds and recognize their shapes, they can start learning phonics, usually from three to four years old either native English speaking children or non-native English speaking children.

However, if your child is smart and interested in learning to read earlier, you can start introducing the letter sounds using flashcards and videos. Parents should proceed gradually and should never push a child beyond its capacities.

Alternatively, if your child is going to join kindergarten or grade one level, especially in English speaking countries schools or international schools, but he/she is not prepared enough, then teaching this Phonics Master program will help achieve his literacy goal and thus, avoid lagging in his learning.

In some cases, a school-age child in grade three or four still has difficulties in pronouncing words or texts and he/she always needs a parent or teacher to assist him with reading words or sentences. The Phonics Master Program will definitely bring the child up to pace by relearning, in the Right Way, the basics of phonics and allow him/her to catch up with his/her reading skills.

This Phonics Master program provides step by step learning materials to help children achieve their reading and writing skills in a short period of time.

Children learning start with the basic Foundation Phonics step and then on to more advanced phonics steps. For each step, the program provides well prepared project approach tools which include phonics sounds animation videos, teaching guidelines, flashcards, practicing reading and writing exercise books as well as story books.

You will be amazed how your child’s reading and writing skills increase every time he/she finishes one step. Coincidentally, you will realize how important learning intelligently can create a better life.

The Phonics Master program includes access to watch online animated Phonics Master videos for one whole year. There are over 15 children educational animated videos to hear the appropriate phonic sounds, sight words and blending words. And also access to download the following digital printable learning materials: comprehensive Phonics Master teaching guidelines for all steps, weekly lesson plans for all steps, flashcards, colorful illustrated Phonics Master reading and writing exercises books, a sight words book, several short and long stories books.

Most words in the English language follow phonics rules. When children know the phonics sounds and their associated letters, they find it easier to read words while other children who lack phonics knowledge struggle with reading the same. The Right Way Phonics Program provides effective project approach tools to encourage your child to memorize the phonics sounds visually so that he/she can gradually progress in the learning process, step by step.

Systematic phonics sounds:       

Systematic synthetic phonics is when children start their learning through sounds (phonemes).  In English, the 44+ phonics sounds are associated with their corresponding letters. In this Phonics Master program, children learn all the phonics sounds including the individual letter sounds, digraph sounds and alternative sounds.

Recognizing words:                        

Learning by hearing the sounds and seeing the associated letters together make it easier for children to recognize words. Daily practice reading a variety of words will make children more familiar with phonics sounds.

Spelling words:                                

Children are taught that letters and sounds are related to each other. Therefore they write the letters with the knowledge of their associated sounds. This method helps children spelling the words right.  As soon as children know a few letter sounds, they can start blending words. Blending and segmenting words teaches children to spell words correctly.

Unfamiliar words:                           

Children learn blending words with both individual letter sounds and digraph sounds. This strategy makes children progress in reading unfamiliar words.

The Right Way Phonics Systematic program helps children to read faster. The earlier they can read, the more their general knowledge will be developed. By learning with phonics instructions, children are able to read fluently, appropriately and much faster.

Children have learned to read some simple sentences since early in The Right Way Phonics Foundation step. In the next steps, children become able to read more meaningful and complex sentences by using their advanced knowledge of the phonics sounds they already know. Reading stories make children become active readers.

The Right way Phonics programs make children to able to read short stories with comprehension exercises at a very early step. Reading a story and doing the comprehension test stimulates your child’s curiosity and concentration while developing the ability to express his/her ideas according to his/her imagination.

We provide story books at each step of their learning.  Story books match the phonics levels, and each story book was written based on the phonics level of your child. Therefore from basic to advanced level of phonics, the stories evolve from simple words and sentences to more complex words and sentences. Every story, either in early step or in advanced steps, has an exciting storyline and colorful illustrations to suit younger children.

Hence children who have studied with our comprehensive phonics instruction are able to read any kind of young learner text or book fluently, accurately and confidently. They have more motivation for reading a book till the end than children who learned with more traditional methods.

There is no doubt that your child will be much more confident in reading and will become an independent reader with The Right Way Phonics Master program.        

Once children have strengthened their muscles with various fine-motor-skills activities, they are ready to trace letters with pencils on worksheets.

Generally, a child three and a half years old could learn tracing letters with a pencil but the best time to start tracing or writing letters is from four years old, when their finger muscles are strong enough. One should never force a child to write without prior working on fine-motor-skills activities.

Learning to write letters without knowing the corresponding letter sounds takes more time and can slow down or even compromise their future literacy skills.

Before they can start writing short sentences, children must have often practiced writing blending words and sight words. When they have progressed substantially in writing single words, it’s not difficult to ascend to the next level of writing full sentences. Obviously, the benefits of having learned to spell words correctly, with a solid phonics knowledge and knowing many sight words make them fit for the writing sentences experience.

A child four or five years old can write a few very basic sentences like; “I am John” or “I love my cat”, “he is Sam”, but he/she might not yet be able to create a meaningful sentence. Children writing skills will develop over the years. Nevertheless, The Right Way Phonics program will guide you to improve your child writing skills.

Children who have learned reading and writing with an effective phonics system such as The Right Way Phonics become very active and faster learners and they achieve higher scores not only in English but also in other subjects, guaranteed.

Our mission is to ensure that every child quickly develops their reading and writing skills in a short period of time and to provide the seeds for success in their future education.   

Learn more with The Right Way Phonics Programs to achieve your little ones reading and writing skills.

Jul 15, 2022

Jul 15, 2022

Jul 15, 2022