The Right Way Phonics Foundation Program

The Right Way Phonics Foundation Program

As young as a three year old native English speaking or non-native English speaking children can start learning with the Phonics Foundation program.

As a child grows, he/she has to learn variety of developmental skills including language skills.  When a little child copies a sound or a word from someone, he/she may not be sounding it out right. His/her brain function is not fully developed and he/she can hear differently what someone says. This happens to children until they are two and half years old.

A three years old child’s brain should be strong enough to recognize or memorize visual things and to hear words. His/her jaw muscles are strong enough to sound out the phonics sounds correctly. Furthermore, a three year old child is clearly more familiar and understanding of the people’s conversation than a two or two and half year old child.

Or your child over three years old cannot pronounce properly or maybe has difficulties in reading. This Foundation program will definitely help to fix his/her pronunciation and reading in a short time.

Or your child might join kindergarten soon, especially at an English speaking school or at an international school, but he/she is not yet sufficiently prepared in reading or writing to follow the curriculum. The Phonics Foundation will help your child to upscale his level in a very short period of time.

The Phonics Foundation program provides online access to the animated children Phonics Foundation videos including phonics sounds, sight words and blending CVC & CCVC words for one whole year. You and your child will have many good times to watch, hear and learn the appropriate phonics sounds as well as blending CVC, CCVC words.

In addition, you will receive Phonics Foundation comprehensive teaching guidelines and weekly lesson plans, making it easy to teach your child systematically and effectively.

Downloadable and digital printable learning materials include flashcards, illustrated Phonics Foundation reading and writing exercises books, a sight words book with a delightful story plus another book, full of exciting and endearing short stories.

Phonics Sounds

Children understand the basic concept of phonics when they know the letter sounds and how they are formed. They are able to learn phonics when they have the phonological awareness to identify the different spoken sounds.

Phonics is indeed the method to understand the connection between the sounds and the letters associated respectively. Learning phonics in early childhood is a building block for children literacy and their future education.

Learning letter sounds and letter names together at the beginning is an important key to unlocking their successful march to literacy. Once children learn the individual letter sounds in this phonics Foundation Step, they are ready to blend and segment the letter sounds and thus, to form words.


When children know the different sounds, they can start to stick different sounds together and therefore they can read.

Soon after learning a few individual letter sounds, they can start blending them and make them CVC, and CVCC words.  CVC means a consonant, a vowel and a consonant, for example, "b" "a" "g" = "bag". 

The more children know their letter sounds, the larger amount of CVC and CCVC words they can blend in this Foundation program.

Sight Words

What are sight words? They are words that don’t necessarily obey the phonics rules and appear consistently in spoken and written English. Generally, as much as 75 percent of words in every young learner book are categorized as sight words.

Children need to learn sight words to be able to read and understand the meaning of sentences. Sight words help children to read faster. Once children recognize sight words, their reading becomes more fluent.

The compelling story of a friendly dog, Sophie, will entice children to learn sight words by accompanying Sophie in her adventures.

Our provided sight words book with this delightful story makes children focus on sight words while stimulating their enthusiasm, inspiring them to read sight words from groups one to six.


Once children have strengthened their muscles by various fine-motor-skills activities, they are ready to trace letters with pencils on worksheets.

Generally, a child three and a half years old could learn tracing letters with a pencil but the best time to start tracing or writing letters is from four years old. One should never force a child to write without prior working on fine-motor-skills activities.

Learning to write letters without knowing the corresponding letter sound takes more time and can slow down or even compromise their future literacy journey.

To help little ones build solid phonic skills, the Phonics Foundation program provides books they can scribble on, color their favorite objects and learn the respective letter sounds.

With this knowledge and by following the program, they will quickly build their alphabetic competence.

When children begin writing by scribbling and coloring, it gives them a fun activity and a good stress release. Those enjoyable activities make them more enthusiastic, sustain their focus on study and furthermore, they develop a creative mind.

In The Right Way Phonics program, the parent/teacher is strongly advised to do dictations with letter sounds and blending words for the purpose of developing their writing skills and verifying their phonics skills. By doing dictations with words, children are improving their writing and orthography, meaning they learn to write the words correctly. Dictations also help children to understand the letter sounds and how they are combined in words. Doing dictations also develops children’s confidence and hearing skills.

You will be surprised how after your child has just learned the 26 letter sounds he/she can read stories. The Right Way Phonics program is the most effective and creative system, specifically designed for children to learn to read and write in a short period of time.

The Right Way Phonics program provides abundant CVC blending and rhyming words by using the 26 letter sounds to practice reading words. The combination of numerous blending words and early studying of sight words constitutes a strong starting point for children to read sentences and stories at an early stage.

Our mission is to ensure that every child quickly develops their reading and writing skills in a short period of time and to provide the seeds for success in their education.

Learn more with The Right Way Phonics Programs to achieve your little ones reading and writing skills.

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Jul 11, 2022