Helping children to develop their writing skills

Helping children to develop their writing skills

As mentioned before, children need to partake in fine motor skills activities to get stronger finger muscles, able to grip a pencil longer. The best time for children to start learning writing letters is from four year old and the absolute prerequisite is that he/she has done a sufficient amount of fine motor skills activities. 

Children develop writing skills gradually, with time. Their writing skills will naturally improve as they grow older.

Usually, at the age of three to four years old, a child starts to use crayons to draw, scratch lines or just to fill the colors in coloring books. By drawing or scratching with crayons, the child is learning to grab the crayon properly so that later in the near future he/she can hold a pencil for extended exercises.

With The Right Way Phonics, children learn writing the letters and some blending single words. It is unrealistic to expect a child four or five years old to be able to write complete sentences even he/she has practiced reading plenty of words and also wrote some blending words.

A four or five year old child can write a few of very basic sentences like; I am John or my cat is Sam, but he/she might not yet fully develop to create a meaningful sentence.

The best time to start writing full sentences for a child is from 6 years old. Normally, by the time he reaches six year old, a child has gained more knowledge of words to express his ideas and thoughts.

Obviously, the benefits of having learned to spell words correctly, with a solid phonics knowledge and knowing many sight words make him/her fit for the writing sentences experience.

Children writing skills will develop over the years. At the beginning of first grade they can write a few short sentences and, by the end of the year, they can probably even write a full page or more. Remember that each child is different in development, abilities and interests.

Some tips to help children writing short sentences.

·         When a child starts to write a letter or a word, he/she needs to have strong fingers and the ability to hold the pencil correctly. Before tasking your child with writing short sentences, please read our previous articles “Fine motor skills and gross motor skills”, “Teaching tracing letters” and “Teaching writing letters” in Step One, to understand important facts about children learning to write.

·         Before they can start practicing writing short sentences, children must have often practiced writing blending words and sight words. When they have progressed substantially in writing single words, it’s not difficult to ascend to the next level of writing full sentences.

·         The first thing you need to do is to show the child how to hold the pencil correctly. Have him/her practice to write on lined paper, in straight lines.


·         Accustom the children to write a sentence always beginning with a capital letter and ending with a full stop. Asking them to write simple things, first they can start with writing down their name. Even if the child’s name does not follow phonics sounds rules, make him write and spell his name.


·         Even if the child has not yet studied the particular phonics rules involved in his name, teach him to write and spell his own name.


·         Make them use words which are consistent with the phonics rules. Ask them to use more sight words. Make them use words with different endings; for example: stand, standing or run, running. Make them use CVC words and rhyming words with simple meanings.


·         Explain to children how writing is important in life, how it is used in daily life. Tell them about your own writing; making shopping lists, sending emails, writing down sticky notes, texting to friends and family, etc….


·         Children are dealing with their family or their teachers every day and they usually love their pets. Ask them to write about what things/events they like or something interesting about their home, their family members or their teachers or even their pets. 

Learn more with The Right Way Phonics Master Program to achieve your little ones reading and writing skills.

Jun 13, 2023

Jun 13, 2023

Jun 13, 2023